Video Course: Full-Drop Repeat Pattern Creation in Affinity Designer
This online course is designed for designers and artists looking to master the creation of full-drop repeat patterns in Affinity Designer. Throughout this video course, you will learn how to create colorful and intricate repeat patterns using the tools and features of Affinity Designer. The course provides step-by-step instructions and practical exercises to help you master the process of creating unique and appealing repeat patterns.

What you will learn:
1. Fundamentals of creating repeat patterns in Affinity Designer
2. Using tools and functions to create complex and colorful patterns
3. Techniques for editing and manipulating pattern elements
4. Exporting and applying patterns in various projects
This course is suitable for both beginners using Affinity Designer and experienced designers looking to expand their skills in creating repeat patterns. Gain access to this video course and start creating captivating repeat patterns today!